Week 5 Meeting Tale Notes 1-2

Welcome to Week 5 Meeting Tale Notes

Today’s lesson was focused on reviewing the tools the students can use in their story writing, using sentence connectives and writing the problem of the class story.

Specifically, the students today:

 – shared their own stories

– reviewed the story pattern and different story openers they can use when writing

– innovated sentences using the connectives ‘First, Next and After that.’

– shared their own created sentences with the group

– contributed to the writing of the class meeting tale

Class Meeting Tale



Once there was a granny who was having a cup of tea. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Granny said, “who can that be?”

Build Up:

Granny opened the door, and there was a mischievous, grey, furry wolf. The wolf said, “Hello, but I need ingredients to make a cake. Do you think I could have some eggs, flour, milk and sugar?” Granny said, “Yes, come in.” So the wolf came in.


First, Granny gave him some eggs so the wolf gobbled them all up in one big mouthful. Next, Granny gave him a cup of sugar and had a sugar rush. After that, the wolf drank all the milk, ate all the flour and all of Granny’s biscuits and cakes.

Note: As we write this tale, we will keep the tale simple to work on the key features. The independent writing can be a tedious and lengthy process at the foundational level. This is always dependent on the individual child’s ability. We will aim to keep the children on track and moving along. If you wish to extend and have the time, please do so. 

This could be as simple as adding to the bits we didn’t quite get to in class.

Home Tasks

  1. Write the next part of the meeting tale, the problem, using the next boxing up sheet. The focus is on using connective sentence starters – First, Next and After that. Each sentence also uses the word so to describe the result of the action. 


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Passionate about my family and the things of God. Love life, love creativity and all things good.

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