Week 3 Meeting Tale Notes 5-7

Welcome to Week 3 Meeting Tale Notes


The workshop today focused on the pattern of a meeting tale, some tools an author uses to create suspense and character and setting ideas.

Specifically, the students:

 – brainstormed character and setting ideas (Magpie Journals pg 26 & 27)

– read through the Model text and highlighted interesting words, particularly looking at the way the author creates suspense.

– looked at a story mountain and the structure of our model text

– added details to the ‘Meeting Tale’ toolbox (Magpie Journals pg 23 & 24)

– co-constructed an opening for the class Meeting Tale

Class-constructed Meeting Tale


The brief opening:

Granny and the Clown

It was past midnight, one misty morning, when Granny thought she saw a strange looking clown.

Home Tasks

  1. Decide on their own main character, visitor and setting. (Magpie journal page 15)
  2. Write the opening to their own story based on the model text. One short sentence that introduces the main character and visitor. (A3 sheet given to students)
  3. Add to their Magpie journal any ‘words or phrases’. (pg. 29)

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Passionate about my family and the things of God. Love life, love creativity and all things good.

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