Welcome to Week 2 Meeting Tale Notes
The students received their ‘Meeting Tale’ magpie journals today. This journal is a place to store writing ideas, phrases, interesting words and also includes some of the activities we hope to undertake in the workshops.
The main activities of today’s workshop were centered around the characters in our meeting tale, ‘The Tiger who Came for Tea’.
We reviewed
- the Tiger Facts File the students completed last week
We looked at:
- a story map of the model text,
- the story sequence, using story card images to put the story in order,
- contracted words found in the model text and some other ones the students should be familiar with and
- sentences using ‘because’.
Hot Seat Activity
We had two marvellous students volunteer to play the part of the tiger. We also had a Sophie in the ‘Hot Seat’. Many questions were put to our ‘hot seat’ guests. Here are some of the extra discoveries we made after questioning our guests:
- Sophie has had other visitors, such as possums who came to collect trash.
- Sophie wasn’t scared.
- One of our guest tigers also went to McDonalds to eat all the food there.
- Sophie also works at the circus when she’s not having tea with her mummy.
- One of the lions at the circus ate a circus camel.
- Sophie often got spat on by the camels.
Home Tasks
- Complete the ‘Tiger Facts File’ extra questions in the Magpie Journal. (pg.4)
- Continue to listen to the audio recording, ‘The Tiger who Came for Tea’. The challenge is to internalise the story; know it super well. The students could listen and follow along with the story map. (pg. 39 and 40)
- Draw: In the Magpie journal on page 5 – 7, complete drawing the main parts of the story (see the gallery images of the white board for help).
Feature image attribution: Freepik Image here