The Frost Fury Who Came for Tea

Written by Xavier (Years 1 – 2 Workshop)

Once there was a boy called Xavier. He was playing with his Lego. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Xavier said, “I wonder who that can be? It can’t be nanna because I just spoke to her on the phone, and it can’t be Daddy because he is at work.

Xavier opened the door and there was a big Frost Fury. He said, “Excuse me but can I have tea with you? Do you think I could have cake with that?” Xavier said, “Of course, come in and we will have tea and cake.”

First, Xavier gave him tea and cake and the Frost Fury gobbled it all up in one second. The Frost Fury was still hungry. Next, Xavier have him a banana and the Frost Fury gobbled it all up in one second. He looked around and ate all of the fruit, all of the pantry food and everything in the fridge. After that, the Frost Fury drank all of the milk, all of the orange juice and drank all of the rainwater in the rainwater tank.

Finally, the Frost Fury was full, and it left. Xavier said, “Oh no! There’s no more food for us to eat.” Just then Mum came home, and Xavier told her what happened. So Mum rang and ordered a pizza and did an online shop to pick up later on.

In the afternoon, Xavier and Mum went to Costco and bought lots of food and water and also picked up the food shopping. They bought a bag of Frost Fury food just in case the Frost Fury ever came knocking at the door again. But it’s been years and he never has.

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Passionate about my family and the things of God. Love life, love creativity and all things good.

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