Clover the Fat Dog

Written by Jett

Clover the fat dog was hungry so she wanted to go to Nan’s for breakfast.

Clover the fat dog could smell breakfast. The smell was coming from Nan’s house next door. So she looked if Mum was near and she wasn’t so she ran to the fence . She went under and got stuck. Mum was calling her but she dug and dug and got through. She could hear Mum but she didn’t care and ran to Nan’s.

She pretended she didn’t hear Mum yelling and kept on running. She was running as fast as she could so Mum couldn’t see her. Suddenly she went flying into a mud puddle. Clover didn’t know what happened! When she looked up she saw a big smiley face that belonged to Dexter, the neighbour’s dog and her boyfriend. Dexter wanted to play. Clover was starving what should she do?

Clover was thinking what to do? Clover said, “I will play one game with you if you move out the way?” Dexter said, “ten and you have a deal!” Clover replied, “two games, take it or leave it?” Dexter said, “deal!” Clover said, “what game do you want to play ?” Dexter said, “who can get the biggest stick .” Clover ran to Nan’s fire pile and got the biggest log she could find. Then Clover got the bobcat and took the log to Dexters. Dexter said, “since you got the biggest stick/log you can go now.”

Clover ran to Nan’s as fast as she could. When she got there Nan said, “what are you doing here? Do you want some breakfast?” Clover said, “yes”. Nan made bacon and eggs. Clover ate it. Clover was so happy and full and then she heard Mum coming on the motor bike . Oh no!!!!!


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Passionate about my family and the things of God. Love life, love creativity and all things good.

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