First Birthday

One entire year has flown by and our sweet little Hosanna is now one. How precious she is to us all. She is only a small little one year old but she’s getting around on her feet, she can touch her nose, loves blowing rasberries and can clap just to list a few of the amazing things she can do. It’s been a real blessing having a little girl in our mix.


So in celebrating her first birthday, we had a casual breakfast to start the day and I happily took a dozen photos. She had some toast which mostly ended up on the floor, some bircher muesli and some orange juice. 

After taking Noah to school it was time to get baking. I was making some strawberry swirl cupcakes with meringue frosting for her first birthday cake. I made little mini cupcakes perfect for a mini sweetie pie. Isaiah helped a little bit. And then both Hosanna and Isaiah enjoyed licking the beaters.

When the cupcakes were ready, Isaiah and I sang “Happy Birthday” to Hosanna and ate a few cupcakes. “Yummo”, said Isaiah. Then we were off to visit with Aunty Lou and Jess. We took cupcakes with us and Hosanna enjoyed the chickens, the company and walking around with pink play dough squishing in her hands.

Later that afternoon when Dad came home, Hosanna opened her gift from Grandma & Grandpa Cheney, some very lovely Raggedy Ann & Andy dolls. Nana & Poppa bought Hosanna some ‘Little Pim Language DVDs’ which are fantastic and I’ll discuss more in depth in a future post. Some special friends also bought Hosanna a heap of lovely outfits and some great little red leather shoes which she has been waddling around in. And finally, our lovely neighbours bought her some books and a very cute doll that Hosanna kissed, hugged, patted, rocked and sang to. She has done very well indeed with gifts that are great for a little one year old baby girl. Thanks heaps everyone!

After presents and dinner, Hosanna got to do cake all over again. She really loved those cupcakes and had no problem consuming another mini one. Then to finish her day of celebrations, Hosanna had cuddle, feed and sleep time with her Mumma, which is always lovely … then my little one year old snuggle bunny was fast asleep.

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Passionate about my family and the things of God. Love life, love creativity and all things good.

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