Year 5 - 7 Meeting Tale Notes
You will find weekly notes and student creations on this page, specifically related to the Year 5 - 7 Meeting Tale Workshop.
Weekly Notes
Welcome to Week 6 Meeting Tale Notes The workshop today focused on revising the tools that can be used for writing meeting tales, editing Billy’s writing and co-constructing the ‘resolution’ to our class story. Specifically, the students: – shared their own meeting tales in pairs – reviewed the class’ co-constructed story and the tools […]
Welcome to Week 5 Meeting Tale Notes The workshop today focused on words that create suspense and tension, adding to our meeting tale toolkit and co-constructing the ‘problem’ to our class story. Specifically, the students: – shared their own meeting tales in pairs – Reviewed the class’ co-constructed story and the tools we had […]
Welcome to Week 4 Meeting Tale Notes The workshop today focused on building up a suspenseful meeting tale toolkit and co-constructing the build up to our class story. We discussed using sounds rather than seeing the visiting character. Specifically, the students: – created a sounds list for their magpie journals so they could use […]
Welcome to Week 3 Meeting Tale Notes The workshop today focused on the pattern of a meeting tale, some tools an author uses to create suspense and character and setting ideas. Specifically, the students: – brainstormed character and setting ideas (Magpie Journals pg 26 & 27) – read through the Model text and highlighted […]
Welcome to Week 2 Meeting Tale Notes The students received their ‘Meeting Tale’ magpie journals today. This journal is a place to store writing ideas, phrases, interesting words and also includes some of the activities we hope to undertake in the workshops. Today’s main activities evolved around the characters in our meeting tale, ‘Poppy, Waldo […]
Welcome to the Year 5 – 7 Meeting Tale Notes Each week (usually), workshop notes will be published on the website. The notes will include some detail on the activities undertaken in the workshop, sometimes images, student writing, home tasks and sometimes pdfs relevant to the workshop. Extra tasks and other suggested activities may also […]